Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Top 10 Management Trends in 2019

The year 2019 is almost half way through and many a managers around the world have already learnt the skills that would give them a head start this new year.  But for those who are still mulling over their future course of action, here is a listing that may still gear them up for the remaining part of the year: Remote Workers Video Marketing Rising Wages Artificial Intelligence Team Brand Ambassadors Customer-focused Organizations Outside Consultants Work-Life Balance Continuing Education Training Millennials Now these is just a listing and a smart manager may find these not very hard to adopt, for most of the managers today...

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Concept of Management

We often talk of management in almost all spheres of our lives - from home to office and from shops to malls - nothing moves without efficient management by everyone; from ordinary worker to the top hierarchy or even your wife when it comes to handling and 'managing' the affairs of the house. So what this management really means and is all about. Management is in fact the administration and coordination of efforts of every tool, machine and human resource for best possible 'productive' output. Simply speaking, management is the process of dealing with or controlling things or people. F W Taylor describes management...

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Body Language: What messages does it convey

Managers are the people who interact with people, clients, colleagues and subordinates more than the ordinary people. And when confronted with seasoned managers, their body language conveys a lot about them and what actually they mean at a given point in a discussion. Body language is in fact is a major indicator of what actually a person is thinking or what actually he means when talking to a client or a compatriot. And it would be naive on the part of one person to think that the other is a fool. !-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6350022282428552"; /* mid-banner */ google_ad_slot = "2138307142"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height...

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Who are successful people - 6

[Photo] This is the 6th post of the series of posts about who successful people really are. To many successful people are who are rich and famous, celebrities and people of fun and parties. Yes to an extent they are right. But most of these people become celebrities by a stroke of luck or an opportunity robbed from the window of opportunity opened just about the time they were there. But real success does not come easy. The climb up the ladder of success is laborious and requires resilience, determination and IDEAS. !-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6350022282428552"; /* mid-banner */ google_ad_slot = "2138307142"; google_ad_width...

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Who are successful people - 5

I have been talking of qualities, character traits and leadership skills of the people we call successful - be in business as managers or entrepreneurs or in our ordinary lives - even to keep the matrimonial relationship intact.  And we analyze the qualities discussed in four of earlier posts, we will find that these qualities are not hard to acquire or exhibit. It only needs just the right kind of mindset to become successful or unsuccessful, if one choses to be so by neglecting these simple yet very practical tips. !-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6350022282428552"; /* mid-banner */ google_ad_slot = "2138307142"; google_ad_width...

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Who are successful people - 4

I am sharing a series of graphics showing who are successful people and what makes them so. My previous and third post centered on successful people who continue to learn more rather than sticking on to their already gained knowledge which may not conform to the requirements of the day and changing business or environment patterns. How is your attitude towards your colleagues and subordinates when they do something good for the organization or to you? This is what we are going to dwell at today. !-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6350022282428552"; /* mid-banner */ google_ad_slot = "2138307142"; google_ad_width...

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Who are successful people - 3

I have so far shared two reasons that make people successful or otherwise. This is my third post as to who successful people really are.  These series of posts are specially for the benefit of the managers and people associated with business as a small let up here and there can cost the business very dearly - and also to one's future career. One has to be mindful of one's behaviour when one is dealing with people or when being watched by his colleagues and subordinates. Those watching him want to see something new in his approach or strategy rather than sticking on to the traditional mindset rotting due to inertia and stagnation.  !-- google_ad_client...

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Moody’s predict stable outlook for Pakistan

International monitoring watchdog Moody’s Investors Service has assigned a provisional rating of (P)B3 to Pakistan’s announced global bond offering while keeping the outlook stable. The predicted announcement comes after Pakistan and China agreed to establishing a  China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) from Pakistan's Gwader port on the Arabian Sea to China through land route in Pakistan. !-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6350022282428552"; /* mid-banner */ google_ad_slot = "2138307142"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; // CPEC is expected to generate immense economic activity in Pakistan...

Friday, September 18, 2015

Who are successful people - 2

A few days back I shared a graphic representation of people who are successful. Success has many facets and shared just one in my previous post.  Success specially for managers and entrepreneurs is a must without which they cannot exist or face their contemporaries. Unless they know the secrets behind success, they just cannot survive the rigours of the marketplace and are sure to doom. !-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6350022282428552"; /* mid-banner */ google_ad_slot = "2138307142"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; // With this analogy in mind, I shared the first graphic representation of...

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Who are Successful People - 1

This world is about successful people only. Be it business, politics or anything else - it is those few successful people who have changed the canvas of the world scape and made the difference. What makes people successful anyway? I came across a few figures showing what makes some people successful and gives them an upper edge over the others. I shall be sharing these couple of dozen figures one by one so that newbies take time to absorb the idea and learn how to be successful in anything they do. !-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6350022282428552"; /* mid-banner */ google_ad_slot = "2138307142"; google_ad_width...

Saturday, August 29, 2015

275,000 people not paid as HSBC's payments system fails in Britain

It was a bad day at HSBC as it failed to make payments to some 275,000 people due to system crash. A report says that hundreds of millions have not been paid to up to 275,000 people Saturday today and the victims take to social media to complain as their salaries are not paid. HSBC first denied fault but three hours later Britain's biggest bank, which has 16 million UK customers, revealed an IT glitch in the Bacs system meant they failed to transfer hundreds of millions of pounds on pay day.  !-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6350022282428552"; /* mid-banner */ google_ad_slot = "2138307142"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height...

Friday, April 10, 2015

Beware! Overweight candidates are normally ditched

A recent survey shows that overweight candidates are normally ditched b their potential employers during the interviews on the pretext that overweight people are generally lazy. A recent survey that questioned 1,000 British companies concludes that almost half companies said they are less inclined to recruit an applicant after interview if they are obese or overweight. Beverley Sunderland, managing director, at Crosslands Employment Solicitors, who commissioned the research, said: 'Our research shows that prejudiced attitudes towards hiring obese workers are rife among British employers.' !-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6350022282428552"; /*...

Monday, March 9, 2015

Do you interpret a candidate's CV Correctly?

As an employer, manager or being part of the interviewing panel, managers are more often than not have to spend considerable time in reading the CVs of the appearing candidates to 'know' them before they appear for the interview. But do you know that generally employers / managers / interviewers draw the wrong conclusions in key personality areas from a CV? If you are surprised by this finding, you are certainly one of theose who do draw wrong conclusions in key personality areas from a CV of a candidate and thus are unable to correctly interview the person and may not benefit from his/her correct personality traits, says a recent study. A...

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